People, due to their lack of time stay away from philanthropic activities, but being a busy entrepreneur, Frank Delape the Chairman of benchmark equity group does lots of philanthropic activities along with his wife Kimberly Delape. These great couples enjoy doing their philanthropic endeavors and not only do Frank & Kimberly give financially to many charities, but they also engage on ground level as well. Giving back to the community is of paramount importance to the Delape family. Frank Delape is so caring and every year he make himself as a Santa and spend the Christmas eve with the children’s of bridge over troubled waters. Frank delape present gifts to all the children’s over there and they purchase each child’s two most wanted gifts.
This couple had made an early initiative called project back up and they are dedicated to give back to the community and further support in panama. The children’s studying in panama school requires proper supplies to attend school. To meet this need, Frank and Kimberly filled 1,500 backpacks with school supplies and spent three days traveling the islands in the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro to distribute the backpacks. Frank delape being one of the directors of UNICEF have done lots of initiative programs in panama.
They have been helping children’s who are living in the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro to defense against dysentery through three year financial underwriting. Frank and Kimberly also cares for animals and have boast seven dogs in their menagerie and care for neglected and abused animals in Haris County. His philanthropic work doesn’t stops and he has been continuing his work and spending more time Inspite of his busy schedule. Unfortunately bad things happen to good people and for this good man, the bad thing that happened is the frank delape scams which have no fact in it. The followers and the good friends of MR Frank Delape are worried, but they boldly say that” we don’t believe delape scams”.